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Welcome to the Qualifications Register (QR)


QR is a centralised online database containing information on quality assured qualifications and their operators and assessment agencies for Recognition of Prior Learning. All qualifications listed on the QR are quality-assured and recognised under the Qualifications Framework. Under the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance, the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications is specified as the QR Authority.


For information about the QF, please visit the QF website at

The QF in Hong Kong set up by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a qualification structure designed to order and support qualifications in the academic, vocational and continuing education sectors. The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), in its statutory role as the Accreditation Authority, is entrusted with the duty to implement the quality assurance system to underpin the QF. For more information, please visit the HKQF website at

The QR is a register established by the Secretary for Education under the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance for entering qualifications recognised under the QF. The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) has been specified in the Ordinance as the authority for developing and maintaining the QR


The QR provides information on qualifications recognised under the QF, including the learning programmes leading to these qualifications and the relevant operators. It also provides information on qualifications which are awarded by assessment agencies appointed for conducting Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessments. For more information about the RPL mechanism, please visit the HKQF website at


The QR does NOT provide information on the qualifications possessed by individual persons.


It is not mandatory for operators to register their qualifications in the QR. All qualifications registered in the QR have been quality assured by an appropriate accreditation authority including the HKCAAVQ or a self-accrediting operator.


Since its launch in 2008, QR has undergone various developments to cope with the needs of stakeholders. You may have a quick view of its development in the following video:



The QR can assist a whole range of users (including students, parents, employees, employers, education / training operators and appointed assessment agencies) to plan future study paths and continuing education.


For Learners :


The QR publishes qualifications offered by education and training operators. These qualifications are grouped by areas of study/training and/or by industry. The types of information include the granting body, level of the qualification, credit value of qualification, and mode of delivery, etc.


The QR helps you to better understand the information of these qualifications and their relevancy to the industries concerned, and it helps you map out your learning pathways for progression in the direction you desire.


For Employees Seeking Recognition of Skills, Knowledge or Experience in an Industry :


The QR publishes the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) qualifications that are granted by assessment agencies under the Recognition of Prior Learning mechanism after assessing the skills, knowledge or experience that you have acquired. For more information about the Recognition of Prior Learning mechanism, please visit the HKQF website at


The QR also publishes Specification of Competency Standard (SCS)-based programmes which are developed according to the competency requirements of an industry. These help you to equip the skills and knowledge needed for an industry, so that you can better develop in the industry. For more information about the SCSs, please visit the HKQF website at


For Employers :


The QR helps you to plan the human resources development of your company, and enhance the quality of your workforce through the Specification of Competency Standard (SCS)-based programmes.


The information on competency requirements helps you to determine the skills and knowledge an employee should acquire, and the relevance of the qualifications possessed by your employees.


The QR helps you to organise your staff training and development activities more effectively.


For Education/Training Operators :


The QR disseminates information on the qualifications and learning programmes offered by your organisation, in Hong Kong.


You will find out from the QR what learning programmes are available in the market. It helps you to plan and design your learning programmes to meet the specific needs of industries and learners.


For Appointed Assessment Agencies :


The QR provides information to employees on the types of RPL assessments conducted by your organisation and the qualifications that can be awarded.