Monthly Facts and Figures
Please refer to the Monthly Facts and Figures by clicking “About Us” on the Navigation bar and select “Statistics”, and then select “Monthly Facts and Figures”.
In the “Monthly Facts and Figures” under “Statistics”, you can view the statistics in relation to the Qualifications Register (QR). The statistics include the number of current qualifications listed on QR, the distribution of qualifications in terms of Level / Area of Study and Training, etc.
New Programmes Listed on the QR
Please refer to the “List of New Programmes” under “Monthly Facts and Figures”.
QR Infographics
In the QR Infographics, you can view the following statistical charts in relation to the Qualifications Register (QR):
The QR Infographics is accessible by clicking “About Us” on the Navigation bar and selecting “Statistics and Reports” and then “QR Infographics” to the landing page. On the page, you can click the “QR Infographics” button to get to the charts.
Click the “Figure” search field to open the pull-down list and select the figure you want.
Click the “As At” search field to open a datepicker and select the month and year from the pull-down list, or by selecting “Today” to get the real-time overview. Alternatively, click “ > ” or “ < ” to move forwards or backwards month-by-month to select the month for the figure. Then click “Done” to confirm the selected month.
Click “Search” and a chart will be displayed according to the figure and month you selected.
When you mouse-over the different parts of the chart, a tooltip presenting the data values of that particular part will be displayed.
In the QR Infographics, a second tier of statistics is available for a particular part of the chart. Click on a part and select the second tier of statistics from the pull-down list of the “Display in terms of” search field. Then, click “OK” and a chart derived from that particular part of the original chart will be displayed according to the second tier of statistics selected.
Click “Reset” to reset all values in the search fields to start a new search of the figures.