Qualifications that may be entered into the QR are described in Schedule 3 of the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance (Cap. 592).
In brief, qualifications awarded by a non-self-accrediting operator must be accredited by the Accreditation Authority, i.e. Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) before they can be entered into the QR. Qualifications awarded by a self-accrediting operator may be entered into the QR after they have been quality assured by the institution concerned. QR also includes qualifications awarded by an Appointed Assessment Agency.
Key features of quality assured learning programmes on the QR include the following:
(a) The learning programme should carry an award (i.e. a qualification) as a formal recognition of the completion of the learning programme;
(b) The learning programme should include formal assessment(s) to ascertain that the learners have achieved the specified outcomes of the programme;
(c) The learning programme should be level-rated in accordance with the Generic Level Descriptors of the Qualifications Framework(QF);
(d) The learning programme should carry its award title in accordance with the Award Titles Scheme (ATS) under the QF (please find details of ATS in the QF website www.hkqf.gov.hk );
(e) The learning programme should indicate its QF credit size (please find details of QF credit in the QF website at www.hkqf.gov.hk);
(f) The learning programme should be accessible to learners of Hong Kong.
Self-accrediting operators are listed in Schedule 2 of the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance (Cap. 592). Qualifications quality assured by a self-accrediting operator may be entered into the Qualifications Register (QR), subject to vetting by the QR Authority. Further accreditation of the qualifications by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications is not required.
Non-local qualifications refer to qualifications awarded by non-local operators with the associated learning programmes delivered in Hong Kong, usually through a local operator. Non-local programmes are required to be registered, or to seek exemption from registration, under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (Cap. 493).
Non-local qualifications may be entered into the QR if they are accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). For details of the accreditation, please contact HKCAAVQ.
A qualification jointly awarded by a self-accrediting operator and a non-self-accrediting operator ("joint qualification") may be entered into the QR as a joint qualification if it is accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).
A joint qualification not accredited by the HKCAAVQ may also be allowed to enter the QR, if the self-accrediting operator certifies that (a) the qualification is an award of the self-accrediting operator; and (b) the qualification is quality assured by the self-accrediting operator in the same way as any other qualifications it awards.
The qualification however would appear in the QR as a qualification of the self-accrediting operator only. The other operator who is a non-self-accrediting operator would not be shown in the QR.
The qualification awarded by the self-accrediting operator may be entered into the QR. However, the other qualification awarded by a non-self-accrediting operator (whether it is a local or non-local operator) cannot be shown in the QR unless the non-self-accrediting operator and the programme are accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications.
Such joint qualification not accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) may also be allowed to enter the QR, if the operator with the Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) status certifies that (a) the qualification is an award of the operator with the PAA status; (b) the qualification is quality assured by the operator with the PAA status in the same way as any other qualifications it awards; and (c) the qualification falls under the scope of the PAA status of the operator.
The qualification however would appear in the QR as a qualification of the operator with PAA status only. The other operator who is a local non-self-accrediting operator would not be shown in the QR.
HKCAAVQ will take into account the following aspects of the qualification concerned in considering whether it can be registered on the QR:
(a) Availability of the qualification to learners of Hong Kong: The qualification can cater for the learning needs of people in Hong Kong, and is accessible to learners in Hong Kong. Evidence such as means of recruiting learners and entry qualifications for the programme will be considered. It should be noted that the nationality of learners for the programme may not be relevant, as many non-local citizens living in Hong Kong can legitimately enrol in programmes offered in Hong Kong.
(b) Awarding body of the qualification: Local learning programmes and their qualifications that are offered, delivered and awarded by local education and training operators can be accepted for registration on the QR. Evidence such as whether the qualification is awarded by a competent operator and quality assured under the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance (Cap. 592) (AAVQO) will be considered.
Programmes offered by non-local operators and their qualifications can be accepted for registration on the QR subject to specific procedures and standards. For example, non-local programmes may be accepted for registration on the QR if they are registered under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance (Cap 493) and are locally accredited by HKCAAVQ under AAVQO.
For collaborative programmes offered jointly by a local operator and a non-local operator leading to awards conferred by both granting bodies, the QR would normally only list out the local operator as the operator and qualification granting body but not its non-local partner. However, the joint operators of a collaborative programme may seek the recognition / accreditation of HKCAAVQ such that the collaborative programme concerned could be registered on the QR in full, i.e. all partners of the collaborative programme could be featured on the QR as operators and qualification granting bodies.
(c) Delivery and assessment of the learning programmes: As a general rule, a programme registered on the QR should have the majority of the programme delivered in Hong Kong and the assessment of the learning programme conducted in Hong Kong. This is to ensure that a local learner is able to attend classes and participate in training and assessment activities offered in the programme within reasonable time and means. This general rule should be adhered to as far as possible.
If any part of a learning programme does not physically take place in Hong Kong, HKCAAVQ may take into account the following factors in determining whether that part of the programme would be considered as delivered and assessed in Hong Kong:
(i) whether it is delivered or conducted by staff of Hong Kong operators accredited by HKCAAVQ;
(ii) whether the assessments are designed or conducted by staff of Hong Kong operators accredited by HKCAAVQ; and
(iii) whether the quality assurance is administered wholly and jointly with Hong Kong operators accredited by HKCAAVQ.
These considerations also apply to programmes adopting online or blended or alternative delivery mode.
For exceptional cases, full justifications will be required for consideration by HKCAAVQ.
For a programme where the curriculum may include attachment and exchange of learners at places outside Hong Kong so as to enhance exposure and experience of the learners, if the majority of such programme would be delivered and assessed in Hong Kong in line with the considerations above, it should qualify for registration on the QR in relation to this aspect.
(d) Quality assurance: As a universal rule for all qualifications registered on the QR, qualifications partially delivered outside Hong Kong including their operators (other than those offered solely by institutions with self-accrediting status as listed under Schedule 2 of the AAVQO) have to be accredited by HKCAAVQ before they can be recognised under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (QF) and registered on the QR. The principles and procedures for the recognition of the local, non-local and collaborative programmes are set out in item (b) above.
Operators must at all times be accountable for the quality assurance of the qualifications concerned.