QR Record Details
Title of Qualification:
Higher Diploma in Jewellery Design and Technology
Title of Qualification (Chinese):
QR Registration No.:
Registration Validity Period:
01/09/2016 To 31/08/2026
Registration Status:
Credit Accumulation and Transfer:
Primary Area of Study and Training:
A02 Arts, Design and Performing Arts
Sub-area (Primary Area of Study and Training):
A0202 Design and Other Creative Industries
Other Area of Study and Training:
A06 Engineering and Technology
Sub-area (Other Area of Study and Training):
A0608 Precision Trades
Industry and Branch:
B14 Jewellery
B1401 Jewellery
Name of Operator / Agency :
Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), Vocational Training Council
Name of Operator / Agency(Chinese):
職業訓練局香港知專設計學院 (HKDI)
VQP Qualification:
Granting Body:
Vocational Training Council
Granting Body (Chinese):
Country/Region of Operator/Agency:
Hong Kong SAR
Country/Region of Granting Body:
Hong Kong SAR
Programme / Qualification Info.:
Prog. / Qualification Enq. Phone No.:
(852) 28976111
Operator/Agency Reference Code:
Special Notes:
Upon successful completion of the one-semester Higher Diploma in Product, Furniture and Jewellery Design (Subject Group) (Programme Code DE110513), students may select to progress to Semester 2 of this programme. The reference code before 2020/21 academic year was DE114509-HD. With effect from the 2020/21 academic year, the programme will be offered in both full time and part time modes. The reference code in 2020/21 and 2021/22 academic years was DE114509/314509-HD.
HKCAAVQ publishes accreditation reports that capture its determination on the assessment of an accredited operator/programme. Please visit the HKCAAVQ's website at www.hkcaavq.edu.hk for the list of published accreditation reports.
Registration Validity Period is the period this qualification is registered on the QR. For more detailed explanation on the Registration Validity Period, please see the definition in the Glossary section / FAQ section