QR Record Details
Title of Qualification:
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Marketing
Title of Qualification (Chinese):
QR Registration No.:
Registration Validity Period:
01/08/2012 To On-going
Registration Status:
Credit Accumulation and Transfer:
Primary Area of Study and Training:
A03 Business and Management
Sub-area (Primary Area of Study and Training):
Other Area of Study and Training:
Sub-area (Other Area of Study and Training):
Industry and Branch:
B03 Banking
B0301 Asset Management B0302 Corporate/Commercial Banking
B0303 Investment Banking B0304 Private Banking
B0305 Retail Banking B0306 Treasury
B10 Human Resource Management
B1001 Human Resource Management
B11 Import and Export
B1101 Import and Export
B13 Insurance
B1301 General Insurance B1302 Insurance Broker
B1303 Life Insurance
B15 Logistics
B1501 Air Freight and Express B1502 Common (Logistics)
B1503 Land Transport and Distribution B1504 Shipping
B1505 Supporting and Ancillary Services B1506 Terminals, Warehouse and Logistics Centre
B18 Property Management
B1801 Property Management
B19 Retail
B1901 Retail
Name of Operator / Agency :
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Name of Operator / Agency(Chinese):
VQP Qualification:
Granting Body:
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Granting Body (Chinese):
Country/Region of Operator/Agency:
Hong Kong SAR
Country/Region of Granting Body:
Hong Kong SAR
Programme / Qualification Info.:
Prog. / Qualification Enq. Phone No.:
(852)27667370/ 7114
Operator/Agency Reference Code:
02402/ 23492 - MKT
Special Notes:
- The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) recognizes the BBA (Hons) in Marketing programme. Students may allow to register as CIM Affaliate Studying Members directly online with CIM and gain access to a wide range of membership benefits and online resources. - Graduates can also obtain exemption from relevant subjects of the professional examinations of both the Association of Chertered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Chartered Institue of Management Accountants (CIMA).
+ For general reference, a typical full-time, four-year bachelor’s degree programme offered by self-accrediting universities consists of about 480-600 QF credits.
Self-accrediting universities have autonomy in administering their own credit systems and have sole discretion in credit assignment and credit accumulation and transfer arrangements.
Registration Validity Period is the period this qualification is registered on the QR. For more detailed explanation on the Registration Validity Period, please see the definition in the Glossary section / FAQ section